Sunday, December 24, 2017

Gender Wars: The Last Snowflake - Sargon

Spoiler: The Nazis win and this video is full of spoilers.

The diversity push in these new films is overblown and reeks of a childish victimologist 'pushback'. Star Wars was not deliberately made in a racist sense anymore than Bollywood makes films featuring casts made up of those in the immediate circles of filmmakers living in India. Likewise, should films made in Japan, featuring Japanese actors, whether science fiction or otherwise, be more diverse? The issue I have with Star Wars today is with the continuity, and maturity of the story and also the casting. It's being made into something that it was not.

Note: There is nothing to stop the creation of a new, more diversely represented, science fiction franchise. What's going on now is childish.

Final quote from Sargon, that the film was "full of preachy, self important horseshit."

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 22nd, 2017.]