Friday, December 4, 2020

The Mandalorian Can't Save Disney's Star Wars (Geeks and Gamers)

SJW activist film making destroyed the Star Wars films. It's one thing to have a successful TV series, but the films remain trashed. Jeremy is correct. Without erasing the Sequel Films the franchise is ruined. 

My own view would be to re-imagine the Prequels and make the Jedi more secretive. You would need to follow the clues we gained from the dialog in the original films much more closely. Clones would not be killing any Jedi. Vader was the one that helped hunt down and kill the few Jedi that existed. Anakin was a young man when Obi Wan met him. Yoda doesn't use a lightsabre. Jedi acted covertly to prevent trouble using their psychic powers to fix problems before they got out of hand. See The Only Real Star Wars is ..

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 5, 2020.]